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新款宝马里程表调校仪 R270+ BMW CAS4 BDM Programmer
新款宝马里程表调校仪 R270+ BMW CAS4 BDM Programmer
V1.2 R270+ BDM Programmer for BMW CAS4
1.R270+ BDM Programmer for BMW CAS4 includes all the features of CAS3 programmer.
2.It can directly read and write chip data quickly and safely, support for the new 2009 7 Series (F01/F02) CAS4 odometer and chips read and write data,it is safe and effective.
R270+ BDM Programmer Description:
Directly read and write chip data quickly and safely, support for the new 2009 7 Series (F01/F02) CAS4 odometer and chips read and write data, safe and effective.
CAS4 includes all the features of CAS3 programmer. It has a powerful Motorola MCU programming function: removing-free program Motorola MCU EEPROM (HC908) and FLASH (HC912, HC9S12, HC9S12X) series.
R270+ BDM Programmer Functions:
1. Support BMW CAS and CAS4 (0K50E/2K79X/0L01Y/0L15Y/1L15Y, etc.)
2. Support BMW EWS4 (2L86D)
3. Support Benz EZS (1J35D/2J74Y/4J74Y/3K91D/1L85D/1L59W/3L40K/4L 40K, etc.)
4. Supports a variety of SRS modules :( 9H91F/0K13J/0K75F/0L85D/0J38M/1E62H/1K7 9X/5H55W, etc.)
5. Support the M35080 series of quick clear, read and write (35080/35080-V6/35080-VP/D80 D0WQ/D160/35160, etc.)
6. Applicable to all kinds of EIS/CAS/SRS/ECU automotive modules.
Package lncluding:
1x R270+ main unit
1x 26pin cable
1x AC Adapter
1x USB Cable
1x Adapter
1x CD drive
R270+ BDM Programmer( FAQ)
I bought a R70 to program an M35080v6 eeprom, the tool show:
Read m35080v6.......... Send command to R270......wait.....
Send setting to device.................... For 30 minutes and it cannot read the mileage data.
As the product description in our website, R270 supports the M35080 series of quick clear, read and write (35080/35080-V6/35080-VP/D80 D0WQ/D160/35160, etc.). Therefore, if you fail to use R270 to work with M35080 eeprom, firstly you have to remove M35080 chip and then plug it into the IC socket, this IC socket is designed for M35080 eeprom. Beside, you need to check if it is well-welded with the board@ If not well-welded, it means poor communication, then it can’t quick clear and read the mileage data.
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